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Liturgical Life

Campus Ministry: Sacramental and Prayer Life

The Sacramental and prayer life of the Bethlehem Family are essential to its existence. We must stay connected with Jesus Christ, who is the reason for our school. This is made easier when we acknowledge and experience the importance of prayer and the sacraments in our lives. We offer a variety of opportunities to receive the Sacraments and for prayer in order to give every person a chance to encounter Christ and grow in Him. Bethlehem is committed to promoting a Sacramental life through daily prayer, school-wide Masses, seasonal Reconciliation services and other forms of prayer throughout the year.

The celebration of Mass is an integral part of who we are at Bethlehem High School. The entire school comes together to celebrate Mass once a month and on special holidays. Students also enjoy the chance to plan and celebrate together at their yearly Class Mass.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation
We invite students to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation through Penance Services during Advent and Lent. There are also priests available throughout the week to talk with students, offer pastoral counseling, and celebrate Reconciliation in our school chapel.

Eucharistic Adoration
Being in the Real Presence, and being open to Christ's role in our lives is important to the philosophy of Campus Ministry. Each semester, in conjunction with Theology Classes, we provide opportunities for students to be in the real presence and mediate on Christ's Presence.

Other Prayer Opportunities
There are numerous opportunities for prayer throughout the day. We begin our day with an all school prayer. Classes throughout the building begin their studies with prayer as well. The school Chapel is open before, during, and after school for students, faculty, staff, administration, parents, and other friends of the school. Other prayer services throughout the year include: 9/11 Rosary Rally, Stations of the Cross, Rosary for Life.